Father fucks sleeping daughter

A Father Fucked His Daughter While She Was Sleeping, Father Daughter Sex Story, Father Daughter Hindi Free Sex Story My name is Jyoti, I am eighteen years old. I live in Delhi. Today I am sharing one of my sex story with you on nonveg story dot com. This story is just from yesterday how my step father fucked me and had sex with me when my mother was not at home. My mother is a very flirtatious type of woman that’s why she married a jerky man. Except my dad, because my mom likes cocks. I had never supported my mother to leave my father, but she remarried the same person with whom she had celebrated in youth. Near father I am also no less picky, earlier it was not like this, but ever since I came here, my pussy used to get wet with the sound of breaking the bed everyday and ah ah ah and fuck. Everyday she used to work by putting her finger and the chicks used to work by rubbing their muscles with their hands. Many times I saw my mother having sex, since the time she came to the new father, since then my mother’s youth must have become even more sexy, why not, maybe my real father would not be able to fuck, that’s why she left and got married so that Let the heat of the pussy cool down. Now coming straight to my fuck. I am a big fan of non-veg story.com, I sleep every night after reading the story. And while reading the story, she rubs her tits and fingers in her pussy, and the story is also such that on this website, be it a woman or a man, a girl or a girl, one cannot live without masturbating or fingering. I also used to do the same everyday. It was a matter of one day that my mother had gone to see her grandmother because her health had deteriorated. Me and my father were both at home. He drinks daily at night. That day I read stories on non-veg story.com and then fell asleep without clothes but I made a mistake and forgot to lock the door. At around 11 o’clock in the night my father came to the room, I was naked on the bed. Anyone can have a bad mood. When I woke up, my father was caressing my tits. I was awake but started pretending to sleep. Because I was feeling very good, my whole body was shivering. Slowly he started caressing my pussy too. I was going crazy. Body was on fire. After that he lay down next to me, my heart rate was fast, hot breath was coming out, maybe he came to know that I have woken up. Silent means yes, maybe they understood. He started sucking my tits. Electricity was running inside me. Then he started sucking my pink lips, slowly started fingering my pussy. He kept doing this for about 15 minutes, I was mad inside. I was getting very angry but how could I wake up, I was angry because I needed to pacify my tormented youth and he was only caressing me, I wanted a dick in my pussy. Then it felt like he was taking his dick out of my pussy. were putting on I thought if I keep my eyes closed then I will not be able to enjoy, so I opened my eyes. If she wanted to say something else, she said, “Papa, what are you doing?” I will tell my mother. He got scared, she said don’t tell Jyoti, I will keep you very happy, I will give you whatever you ask for. I thought it’s okay, my lust’s hunger was also calming down and now the expenses will also be met separately and what else is needed. What was it then, the green signal had been received. He set the cock in my pussy and inserted it inside. Friends, my long voice came out ah ah ah ah oops oops, I started pressing my nipples with my hands and pressed my lips with my teeth. Opened her hair, and started helping father, both of them locked lips, started putting tongue in each other’s mouth and started sucking lips. Slowly the heat of my pussy was increasing. Water had started coming out of the pussy, he was taking out the cock inside by jerking it. White colored cream was being applied on his dick, fucking was at its peak. The voices were echoing in the whole room. Only then he came in the position of 69, his cock in my mouth and my pussy in his mouth, both were licking each other’s cocks. Papa was putting his tongue in my ass and was saying that you are wonderful, today you have blessed me. Gave me all the happiness of life. Friends, then I came up holding his cock and set it in my pussy and sat down. He was coming, he was mashing my nipples and was pushing from below. Electricity was running in my hair, it seemed like I am in heaven. Friends, he fucked me like this for an hour, we both fell together, father went to his room, brought 20 thousand rupees from him and said keep it Buy whatever you want to buy. Then he ate a sex tablet and then lay down near me and started caressing her tits. Friends, fuck me three times in the night, my pussy was swollen. There were teeth marks on the teats, there were also teeth marks on the stomach. Means I had love bite all over my body. To tell the truth, I felt very good, I had a lot of fun with my father, my mother came on the second day itself. But papa said not daily, sometimes when mommy is not there, then I will fuck. I also liked this idea. If you are around Delhi Noida or even far away, but you can come to fuck me, then comment. I will give you a chance to fuck a lot. I like Lauda a lot. Please tell me how did you like this true story of mine. Till then thank you, your light. at nonvegstory.com

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