Broke my seal with the neighbor’s boy

Hello friends, my name is Ankita Mishra. I am a resident of Jaunpur. Today I am going to tell you the story of sex with my neighbor’s boy. I will be 18 years old. I am very smart and sexy in appearance. Boys of my locality give me many lines but I used to give lines to only one boy. He used to live next to my house. His name was Prateek Gupta. His age would also be around 19 years. He is very smart in appearance and his height is 5.11 feet. Many girls are crazy after him, but he does not give any feelings to anyone. I am also useless to anyone, everyone used to go crazy after seeing my round and big eyes, red cheeks like carrots, and juicy and thin lips. If we talk about my mom, then what a wonderful mom, white like rava, big and very soft, just like bread. I really enjoy caressing and stroking my mom. When I used to go to bath every day, I used to press my mother a lot. That’s why my mom grew up early. Now I have stopped pressing my mummo. My figure is amazing, like in that song, 32 on the top, 36 on the bottom, 24 in the middle, doesn’t it burn? My pussy was very juicy and hard. Somebody has touched my pussy before. I used to think that I will fuck only my husband, but after falling in love with Prateek, I had thought that I would first fuck Prateek and then with my husband. In childhood, Prateek and I used to play together, and used to do many other things together. But then I did not know all this. Now I have fallen in love with him, so we could not live together because we had grown up. I always used to go to his house. But he never used to come to my house. I always used to find an opportunity to go to him. It was a few days ago, I had gone to Prateek’s house, it was morning time, he had taken a bath from the bathroom. His underwear was drenched with water and his cock was fully alive in the drenched underwear. I had become crazy after seeing his cock. His cock was very thick and big, seeing me Prateek was shy. He quickly left from there. After seeing his cock, I thought that I have to fuck him in any way. Prateek was very fast in studies, so I told my mother – “Mummy, I do not know anything in studies and Prateek knows everything. If you talk to his mother then Prateek will teach me. Mummy said – ok I will talk. After listening to mother’s words, my mind started bursting for laddus. Mother spoke to Prateek’s mother and convinced Prateek to let me study. All this was just an excuse to get Prateik to fuck himself. Prateek was going to teach me from the next day he asked me to study from 7 to 8 in the evening. My house was of two floors and my room was on the second floor. I said to my mother- “Mummy everyone will make noise downstairs, so I will study upstairs in my room”. Mummy said – “Okay, study comfortably in your room”. I had made a complete plan, now I just had to somehow impress Prateek. In the evening Prateek came to my house to teach me. He asked my mother – “Where is Aunty Ankita. Mummy said – “He is in his room, go and teach him”. He said ok. I was waiting for him in my room, in a while he came to my room. I put a chair for him and myself sat on my bed. He started teaching me – I was only looking at him. Today he was teaching me physics, he asked me some formulas to which I answered. He told me – so you study at home. I said – yes, I study in my free time. Didn’t even realize how an hour passed while reading it. I thought about him throughout the night. The next day I knowingly wore a very loose top and did not even wear a bra inside. Due to which when I bowed down, half of my teat used to come out. When Prateek came to study with me in the evening, I started sweeping my room. I was bending down to sweep my room, from which half of my nipples came out from my top and Prateek’s eyes fell on my nipples. Seeing my nipple, Prateek’s cock also got erect and he wanted to hide his cock by pressing it with his hands. After sweeping I started reading from Prateek, he said to me – why do you wear such clothes, you don’t like them?? I asked – why what’s wrong with it?? I came to know that he has seen my teat. He said – there is nothing bad but it does not feel good. Knowing this, I dropped my pen and bent down to pick it up, then my boobs came out again. Seeing whom, the flame of sex flared up in Prateek’s mind. She said to me – “Yaar tum aaj se mat don’t wear this top”. I asked again – why?? So he said – I go crazy seeing your boobs. I acted shy so that he doesn’t know. I said ok. You are reading this story on Non Veg Story dot com, and if you are reading it somewhere else, then he has stolen my story. That day even Prateek was going crazy seeing my boobs. Like this a few days passed and Prateek and I became closer. One day I asked Prateek – why don’t you give line to any girl?? So he said to me – “Friend, to impress a girl, first walk around her, then after impressing her, talk to her on the phone for a long time and also get her recharged. And what do we get from him – some kisses and sex. I have no interest in all these things. I asked him – if someone runs after you?? So he said – then I can think once. I was happy after hearing this, I thought there is a chance. The next day was my birthday, but it was not celebrated in my house, so even today Prateek came to teach me. I said to him – Friend today is my birthday, won’t you wish me?? He said – I did not know. What did he wish me and asked me – what do you want in a gift?? I told him – can you give whatever I ask for?? He said – ‘If it is in my control, I will definitely give it’. Without thinking anything, I told him that I want you. i love you can you love me too?? So he said – I will disappoint you, if it was not your birthday, I would probably have refused, but this is your gift, so you have to fulfill it. He wrapped me in his arms and started saying to me – Friend, I used to like you too but I used to think that if you become angry with me then that friendship will also go away. I told him – I have loved you since long. But I was afraid because you don’t give line to any girl, so how will you give me a line. That’s why I didn’t propose you earlier. I said to him – can you kiss me?? So he said – “Now when you have loved, then empty kiss will not work”. I said after knowing – means?? So Prateek said – can I have sex with you?? So at first I refused a bit but Prateek tried hard to persuade me. So I agreed. Little did he know that this was all my plan. When Prateek was coaxing me to fuck me, I was having a lot of fun. I said to him – Prateek can you give me your first lip to lip kiss on my birthday?? Immediately after I said that he made me sit on the bed and started sucking my lips like Emraan Hashmi on my thin and juicy lips. I also started sucking her lips with pleasure. Prateek was teasing me by biting my lower lip with his sharp teeth. With this action in him, I used to shiver and hold him even more tightly and started drinking his juicy lips. I was very excited, I put my tongue in Prateek’s mouth and he started sucking my tongue and drinking my tongue. I also started drinking his lips and his tongue with pleasure. After sucking my lips continuously for 20 minutes, Prateek started rubbing my boobs with his hands. Prateek was pressing my boobs very mercilessly. And I was having so much fun. After rubbing my nipples for some time, he removed my top and started pressing my gore, soft and milk filled nipples on top of the bra. After a while he also removed my bra. And started drinking after pressing my mother with great pleasure. I was feeling bad with Josh, I was getting very sexual. Prateek was sucking my nipple by biting my nipple with his teeth. He was continuously sucking my mommo, and also moving his hand on my waist. I was getting sexier. I was sobbing as my body twitched. After sucking my nipples for a long time, he started moving down my nipples and slowly reached near my navel. He licked my navel with his tongue for a long time, then he gently pulled the hem of my salwar with his hands, which opened the hem of my salwar and as soon as he opened the hem of my salwar, he pulled down my salwar and took out my salwar. . And started licking my pink panty with his tongue. After licking my panty he removed my panty and started rubbing my pink pimple with his hands while caressing my smooth and soft thigh. I was so excited that I started rubbing my pussy with my hands. After rubbing my pussy for a long time, he started licking my pussy, and started putting his tongue in my pussy. By which I shrink my body,……….ah ah ah…. uh uh …. Uff uff uff uff…… ah ah .. ….. she started sobbing. He was sucking my pussy like a mango. The way all the inside material comes out after sucking the mango, in the same way it seemed that now all the material inside my pussy would come out. Drinking my pussy continuously for some time, my pussy could not stop its water and salty water started coming out of my pussy. Prateek drank all the salty water of my pussy while sucking it in his mouth. After drinking my pussy water, he opened his pant and took out his brinjal thick and long cock. I caught his cock in my hands. His cock was very thick because it was not coming in my hands. I put his cock in my mouth to suck it. I was having a lot of fun sucking his land. I used to take his land completely inside the mouth, which made Prateik very happy. After sucking her land for a long time, I took Prateek’s land out of my mouth, then he put me on the half bed to play my pussy and stood himself. He lifted my legs and started thrusting his cock into my pussy. Due to which I got very excited, then he slowly started pushing his cock by putting it in the grain of my pussy. I was going crazy with sexual arousal. After some time Prateek inserted his cock in my pussy for the first time. As soon as Prateek’s cock entered my pussy, a few drops of blood also started coming out of my pussy. The seal of my pussy was not broken yet. But today I broke my seal. Prateek wiped my pussy and started playing my fuddi again. He was engaged in tearing my burrow. And I painfully…ah ah ah………. Uh uh uh……maa maa maa……comfortably relaxed ahhh ahhh….oops oops oops…… I was screaming and the sound of chat chat chat was coming from my pussy. Prateek was constantly inserting his cock in my pussy, his cock sometimes inside and sometimes outside. My pussy was getting torn. But the fun of fucking is different. I lifted my waist and started getting fucked, which made Prateek enjoy it too. After playing my pussy continuously for 40 minutes, Prateek was about to ejaculate, so he took his cock out of my pussy, and he Holding the cock in his hands, he started fisting. After fisting continuously for some time, his goods started coming out of the hole of his cock. His cock became loose in no time. Even after fucking me, he was not satisfied, so he kept sucking my body for a long time and along with it he also kept sucking my pussy and my mom for a long time, and for a long time. Kissed me till now. Now we fuck in a new pose every day. Pratik fucks me by showing me sexy videos. We both fuck a lot while enjoying the fuck. I hope you all will like my story on non veg story dot com.

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